How to fill in those 5-minute gaps
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Go through your flashcards – on paper or using an app
Choose a topic and do a mind map of useful vocabulary and expressions – on paper or using an app
Listen to a short newscast or podcast and notice all the useful vocabulary you recognise
Watch some TV commercials on Youtube
Copy a paragraph really paying attention to the expressions and grammar
Read and summarise or rephrase a section of a text
The key is preparing the material in advance: setting up flashcards, finding websites and collecting interesting texts so that when you have a 5-minute gap you’re ready to go.
6 x 5 minutes makes 30 minutes a day!
And of course always have a book or magazine with you as well as audio books and podcasts for your commute and those longer waits.
© Christina Wielgolawski