What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning TipsWriting in English
From a patient’s perspective, dealing with health professionals who communicate well can make a huge difference.
Healthcare English
Who hasn’t left a medical appointment feeling only half understood?
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips
Describing pain is sometimes hard enough in your own language, but a language barrier makes it even harder to be sure the right message is getting across.
Healthcare English
What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning TipsWriting in English
Asking questions means you have to deal with answers, but that’s not always easy.
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips
Questions can be tricky as different word order and tenses plus intonation come into play.
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips
Ready to accelerate your English writing skills?
Language Learning Tips
At the end of the day, before going to bed, I usually read a novel in English or German or French for 30 minutes or more. Normally it’s a physical book.
Language Learning Tips
What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning TipsWriting in English
Good enough means you can do what you have to do in English.
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips
My mentor passed away three years ago, but six words still resonate.
Language Learning Tips
When you can’t recall the difference between common confusing pairs, your writing and speaking slow down.
Common English Confusions
Sometimes writing in English can feel like one step forward and two steps back.
Common English Confusions
When you’re ready to move from good enough English to mastery, an elephant can guide you.
Language Learning Tips
When someone has a problem or worry, how can you politely give the person some advice?
Common English ConfusionsHealthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips
What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?
Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning TipsWriting in English
When you’re sick, all you want is an efficient way to get an effective cure.
Common English ConfusionsHealthcare English
Did you know there’s a rule in English that’s always true?
Common English ConfusionsLanguage Learning Tips
Is it Congratulations FOR your new job or Congratulations ON your new job?
Common English ConfusionsLanguage Learning Tips